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Motivate your team!

Jump Start Your Team

Jamey works with each company to learn about their culture, obstacles, and greatest opportunities for growth. Presentations are customized to match organizational needs to maximize impact and retention.




Elite By Choice

 Jamey leads a deep dive on personal accountability and how the choices we make ultimately decide our success. Decisions that impact our minds, our relationships, and how we communicate.


Happiness Advantage

Five strategies on the power of positivity. Jamey takes your staff through five strategies backed by research on how to use positivity to perform at their best. Great for mental “reset.”


Winning the Mental Game

Identify where you can optimize performance. Jamey identifies eight mental skills used by elite athletes and applies them to corporate America.


Fundamentals of Success

From small town Amesbury Mass. To the NFL. The story of Jamey’s career path and journey. The importance of hard work, sacrifice, networking, building relationships, growing from failures and building resilience.


Know Thy Self

Lesson on self-awareness. Jamey talks internal motivation, self-regulation and how self-aware teams outperform others.


I Think I Can,I Know I Can

Step into the confidence elevator. Where does confidence come from? How do you create confidence? Jamey discusses the importance of confidence.

In the mean time if you would like to

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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